Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm still yours....

Well, God continues to reveal Himself to me in the most amazing ways! Just when I thought my journey was winding down, he shows me otherwise. This last week I heard from three people that I hadn't talked to in over 20 years. Somehow, they had come across my story and read my entire blog and felt compelled to write me some amazing emails. When things like that happen, I realize that He is still working through me. I can't quit now!!

We have been learning about Paul's journey in church and I feel like the messages were meant for only me to hear! Here is Paul, who is trying to be obedient to the Lord, but along the way he has been put in prison and stoned , etc. I think if I were him I would have called it quits by now. But, not Paul. God sends just the person he needs to hear encouraging words from, or leads him in another direction. But, through it all, Paul is seeking God's will and God's timing. That's the secret.

I was asked the question the other day by a friend, "don't you ever, deep down inside yourself, wonder,....why me?" Of course, initially, there was that reaction. But, I could honestly say, that since I put my focus on my work for the Lord, I have never thought that. When, I get an email from a long lost friend, or get to share my story to a classroom full of high schoolers, that is my answer to "why me?". That's why!!

So, I guess my point to all of this is to tell you that, when we are at our weakest, that's when He is at His strongest! We just have to allow Him to work. Press on, He is all we need.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Squirrel Hunting up north...

I was so excited to get to go up north and see all of the beautiful fall colors we don't get down in town. The kids were more excited about the squirrel hunting! So, we compromised. We did both! I think a little more hunting than sight-seeing, but that's o.k. It was just great to get away with the whole family and enjoy the outdoors. Our time is limited in between treatments right now, so we make the most of our "good" weekends!

Jake practicing his photography skills

Trying to get these three in the same frame is not an easy task!

the star of the show!

Jackson and his professional pose :)

God's glory!

My little princess that can hang with the boys!

I like your pink gun John!

The shooters!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What would I do without my family?!

Before my long journey begins, I wanted to get some family pictures done. I have the greatest family in the world. The best kids, and grandkids, and of course, husband!! My friend Annie took the pictures! She did an awesome job as usual! Thanks Annie! Thanks Tammy for letting us use your house! I love them. When I am getting down and depressed I can look at these pictures and remmeber that's who I'm fighting for. I love you guys.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Girl's Night Out.....

Isn't God's timing funny? I had a friend offer me tickets to a broadway play Wicked a few weeks ago. And I though, sure, that might be kind of fun to take my mom and sisters to. So, I paid for the tickets and then my life fell apart last week , getting diagnosed with breast cancer. I didn't want to cancel the evening, because I really needed the stress relief. So, we got all dressed up and went to town!!! It was a blast!!!!! I'm totally a broadway fan now!! They are amazing!!! I took my mom and sisters as a thanks in advance for all of their help and support they are going to give me these coming months during my fight with this nasty "C" word! Love you all.....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Twinkle toes!!!

Our family has learned a lot through Abby Jane. We learned that we need to take time to marvel in the miraculous little things our children do each day! Well, little Rory Morgan found her toes....that is a miracle. To see that little girl laying on the floor with not a care in the world. There isn't anything better. We thank the Lord every day for these little things....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fish stories.....the final chapter....

I am sure you have all seen enough fish pictures to last you a lifetime, but here are the final ones. I promised Mick his day of fame....Mick, here you go......

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's a lake day!.....

We got to spend a great day at Polaski Lake in Buffalo. The weather was perfect but, the water was FREEZING!!! When the people from Minnesota are cold, you know it's cold. But, we had fun anyway. The day wouldn't be complete without some cannonballs off the pontoon, fishing, soaking up some sun. Thanks to the Bergstrom's for their hospitality. Grandpa Doug, Jackson will love you forever, for giving him the wheel of the pontoon boat. He really felt like he had made it! The Mountain Stream hat is still on his head.